Tarle Speech English Pronunciation

Tarle Speech and Language was founded in 2005 by Jennifer Tarle in order to empower individuals at all stages of life through better communication. Jennifer is a Certified Speech Pathologist with over 25 years of experience in speech and language related training and pathologies. Jennifer earned a BS degree and an MA degree in Speech Pathology from Kent State University. She holds the Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech Language Hearing Association. Jennifer is a self-published author of workbooks and training materials for teachers and students. Find products at Kobo, TpT, iTunes, Google Play. Communication Improvement Training targeting business communication, non-native English pronunciation, voice, articulation, presentation skills, and overall speaking confidence are taught throughout the city of Chicago and via video conferencing throughout the world. On Demand training is available at Udemy. Jennifer implemented her Tarle Speech pronunciation program at the Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China and at E4TG in Tokyo, Japan. To help even more people, Jennifer launched a video podcast in 2007. It has evolved into a popular YouTube channel. New lessons are posted twice a week. Over 160,000 subscribers enjoy these short, English Pronunciation Lessons each week.
